How to Set Bandwidth Limit in Windows

How to Set Bandwidth Limit in Windows

How to Set Bandwidth Limit in Windows, In terms of comfort when doing activities, be it work or otherwise on a laptop, it is something that many people really want. Especially when we are connected to the internet, what we really need is to get the appropriate speed. In addition, it makes one of the motivations for us to come up with creative ideas.

Another case, if what happens is the opposite. So what we have in mind are dirty thoughts and grumble incessantly. I think all readers know the meaning of the sentence I wrote. So the solution we have to do here is to set the Bandwidth that we have. And this time we share the “How to Set Bandwidth Limit in Windows” method.

Windows will automatically set Bandwidth when we use or access the internet. So what happens? What happens is that your process of surfing the internet will be controlled by Windows about 60 percent for. The purpose of system updates and other purposes that run by itself without us realizing it.

This will of course have an impact on decreasing speed, and we should have to solve this problem, in the following way, we just go to the following tutorial guide:

  1. To do this, please turn on the computer in question, and then click Start in the [search] box, type “gpedit.msc” or you can directly press the Windows logo + R simultaneously on the keyboard.
  2. After that press OK.
  3. Then next you will be taken to the Local Group Policy Editor dialog box.
  4. Click Computer Configuration or the arrow on the left [+] to open the subfolder or if it opens, click on the red circle on Administrative templates to open the subfolder.
  5. Continue by clicking on Network then clicking on Qos Packet Scheduler.
  6. Then continue by Double Clicking on Limit Reservable Bandwidth in the box on the right, please tick or Enabled then a Bandwidth limit % dialog will appear with a value of “20” by changing it to a value of “0”.
  7. Next you just click the Apply button then OK
  8. To be able to feel the effect, please restart your computer
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After your computer or laptop restarts, please try to use the internet connection as usual. I’m sure you will feel the difference before and after you follow the tips or methods that we share above.

How to Set Bandwidth Limit in Windows

For those of you who understand problems like this, and have opinions or other more effective ways. So here we really expect you to enter your opinion in the comments column. Furthermore, the method given will be reposted here. The goal is to make it easier for our brothers and sisters to carry out their daily activities, without having to face obstacles because of their ignorance.

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