6 Types Online Business

6 types online business
6 types of online business

Online Business

6 Type Online Business – What do you understand about online business? Some people think that online business is like selling products or goods on e-commerce sites such as Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Shopee, and so on. And because he has skills in internet marketing, he gets a lot of benefits. Others say that online businesses are like bloggers or YouTubers who can generate hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars.

Business opportunities on the internet are actually not that narrow, you can maximize all platforms on the internet for your business needs. To answer that, here are 6 types and types of business that you can do on the internet.

Type Online Business

Here are 6 types of business that you can do on the internet as below:

1. Content Publisher/ Content Creator

A content publisher is someone who creates content in the form of articles, videos, audio, images, games, templates, plugins, and so on. Then upload or publish to the internet either by posting to a website or other internet properties that can accommodate your content. There are many ways you can make money from the content you create. You as a content creator are then call a creator.

Content Publisher is always synonymous with Google Adsense and is a website. But for me not. If you are a content creator in the form of videos, you can take advantage of YouTube. If you are a game creator you can take advantage of AdMob and Google Play.

In essence, a content publisher or content creator is a creative worker who creates content and publishes it on the internet, and then with the content you create, you can generate income, which is generally passive income.


2. Product/Service Owner

Simply put, you sell your product or offer your services on the internet. This type of online business is growing rapidly in Indonesia. As I explained in the previous article entitled Online Business Prospects for Beginners, it proves that this type of business can be the main alternative for your business.

There are two types of goods that you can sell on the Internet, namely selling tangible goods and intangible products/product info. Tangible goods as we already know, such as electronic goods, clothing, jewelry, cosmetics, gadgets, food and beverages, and so on. The internet is your shop, whether you create your own shop website or take advantage of existing marketplaces such as Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Shopee, and so on and use social media as a platform for selling.

intangible goods such as software, ebooks, videos, audio, vouchers, pins, databases, memberships, and so on. Because we are in the information age, where good information is reward with high value, it’s no wonder that information can also be sold.

3. Affiliate & CPA Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a branch of online business where you sell other people’s goods through a link called the affiliate link that you have. Where do you get a fee (payment) from each product that you sell/affiliate? Most affiliates market non-physical goods, namely in the form of digital products. Such as e-books, video tutorials, software, etc. Even though there are physical products, affiliates for products like this often have to cooperate with online stores such as Amazon, Lazada, Bhineka, etc.

However, starting an affiliate business is not easy. Of course, it requires a lot of capital if you want optimal results. Because the affiliate concept is Cost Per Action or payment per action. Yes, it’s the same as trading people, if you don’t sell, you don’t get money.

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The advantages of this business are you don’t need to have your own product, you don’t need to take care of customer services and it is possible to make it passive income. The downside is if you don’t build a database, you will lose a lot of sales and additional skills are need such as selling skills and copywriting.

4. Site Flipping

Site Flipping is the activity of buying and selling websites. The general reason for a website to be sold is that the website is no longer profitable for the owner. However, there are also websites whose purpose is to resell.

The price set for a website is usually 3-5x the profit of the blog each month. Or it could be 10x of earnings each month. For example, a blog generates 10 million/per month from that blog and it’s up to what the monetization method is like. So the minimum selling price is 30-50 million and usually a maximum of 100 million.

The advantage of this business is that you will benefit directly and quickly and can be use for capital for new projects. The downside is that you will lose your monthly income, the solution is that you can create a new website that can generate as much income as the web being sold.

5. Paid Subscription Membership/ Premium Content

Model this business you earn income from your membership. Paid Subscription Membership, for example, you are an expert in one field, let’s say, an entrepreneur. So, if you want to create a webinar or online business study class communication, then you open a registration that requires members to pay a registration fee or fee for a predetermined learning time.

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Premium Content is when you have premium content in the form of writing, video, audio, and so on. Let’s say you are an entrepreneur and you have a community that you nurture, then you release premium content and you require your members to pay a certain price to get your premium content.

6. Online Trading & Mining

This business is also call an online business because transactions use the internet. Forex itself is a very profitable and even risky online business, it is highly not recommend if you don’t understand much. Apart from that, forex was also declar unlawful by Islamic scholars because it did not meet Shari’a standards.

While bitcoin mining is a mining activity to produce a bitcoin value. 1 BTC (bitcoin) equals IDR 98,725,366. More details will be explain in the next post.

Here are the six types of online business that you can do. Please note that each point will give birth to other business branches and we will explain that in the next post. Of course, make sure that noble values are embedded in our hearts when running an online business.

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